604 - 543 - 6392 / surdelchiropractic@shaw.ca

Corrective Care

Care and treatment at Surdel Chiropractic involves diagnosing and treating the root cause of the problem rather than simply treating symptoms with medication or surgery.

Corrective care involves correcting the underlying condition or cause of the problem. This type of care is longer in duration but, the condition is corrected and complete pressure has been taken off of the spinal nerve. Care of this nature is usually 3-6 months in duration. In this phase of care, rehabilitative and core strengthening exercises are incorporated into the patient's care in order to stabilize the condition. The patient's hip and pelvis begin to shift during this course of care thus straightening the spine to remove the pressure on the spinal nerves. Orthopedic devices such as orthotics and heel lifts may be required with this type of care.

Acute Care Corrective Care Maintenance Care